A Fun and Affordable Outing
Adult Admission:
Children Under 12:
The Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum is a 501 (c) 3 not for profit museum. Donations to the museum are fully tax-deductible.
The Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum also has accessible parking places, entries, exits, and bathrooms for all guests.
National Association of Auto Museums
Best Event & Public Promotion
First Place Award for Rides in a 1922 Packard
Division 1 – 2023
Jump Into the Way Back Machine
Previously On Display

Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum began as the dream of Richard Holmes, a Tulsa attorney and car enthusiast.
In 2012 Holmes put an advisory board together whose members were all car lovers and collectors; they all shared the same dream.
That original group of “car guys” got together and began searching for a suitable location in Tulsa County for the antique car museum. They chose Tulsa Auto Museum as the Name. The group toured a myriad of locations in the city of Tulsa, but nothing worked out. After four years of searching, they nearly gave up.
Then Holmes got a call from Tim Dye, curator of the Pontiac Museum in Pontiac, IL. Dye had also been searching for space in Tulsa when the city of Pontiac lured him to their town. Sapulpa city officials called Dye offering him an old decommissioned armory for use as his museum. However, Dye, had already left Oklahoma. So he told them about the Tulsa Auto Museum group.
The city of Sapulpa was looking for something to occupy the decommissioned Armory on Sahoma Lake Road, which just happens to intersect with Route 66. The advisory board of the Tulsa Auto Museum jumped at the chance to look at the space. It turned out to be perfect for what they needed.
Only thing: the name had to be changed. So the Tulsa Auto Museum became Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum.
As the new home for the museum, the old Armory located at 13 Sahoma Lake Road needed a lot of updating. Walls were torn down, ceilings raised, both bathrooms and the kitchen gutted and plumbed, and all of the electrical had to be brought into the 21st century.
Extensive work has been done throughout the building to morph the Armory into a museum while still maintaining some of the historic feel of the building.
Three huge garage doors make it easy for antique cars to enter and exit the museum. With 10,000 square feet of space, the building now shows off beautiful and rare cars on the former drill room floor.
At the other end of the building an area highlights how the old armory was used for the 45th Army Reserve in conjunction with Route 66, along with a space dedicated to honoring the Mother Road.
The not-for-profit museum held a soft opening in the spring of 2016. In August of 2016, doors were permanently opened.
Thanks to all of our wonderful Founding Members, who have each given (at least) $2,500 to Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum. We will only have 100 Founding Members. As you can see, we are getting closer all the time. If you are interested in becoming a Founding Member, please use the Contact Form below, or call the Museum at 918.216.1171.
- Mike and Judi Adamson
- Charlie and Susie Anderson
- Anatoly and Karen Arutunoff
- Mike and Debbie Baab
- Brian Bailey and Margaret Bannochie
- Bill and Marsha Barnes
- Dave and Mollie Bennett
- Barbara Berry
- William L. Berry
- Former President Pro Temp Brian and Paula Bingmam
- Mike and Louise Borden
- John Boyce; Tom Boyce (AirCo Service)
- Jim and Anne Brackett
- Patrick T. Brown; Richard A. Brown
- Bobby and Martha Brummett
- Mike and Susan Burkhart
- Dwayne and Cindy Burks
- Randy and Cheryl Byers
- Steve and Diane Clark
- Bryant and Carla Coffman
- John and Dyan Condry
- Rob and Amber Cooke
- Joanna Cooper and Family
- CoverCraft
- The Coretz Family Foundation
- Senator Brian and Lori Crain
- Rick and Niki Daniels
- Jim and Jennifer Dilley
- Steve and Ruthie Duenner
- David and Donna Dutton
- Rick and Karen Engleman
- Eric Farque and Jason Farque
- Ted and Judy Fisher
- David and Libby Frederick
- GCCG Green County Corsair Group
- Catherine Gebetsberger
- John and Virginia Groendyke
- Chuck and Diane Hanson
- Robert Hines (Overhead Door)
- Norman Hoelting
- Richard and Lina Holmes
- Vernon L Jones
- Greg and Connie Kach
- William R Kante; Alan R Kante
- Ben and Cathe Kehe
- David King (First United Bank)
- Charles Kukral and Gayle Younker
- KWB Oil Property Management
- William E. Lobeck & the Honorable Kathy Taylor
- Merle and Jane Martindale
- Joe and Carol McGraw
- Bobby and Karena Miller
- Paul and Sandra Mullins
- John and Sally Neas
- Randy Oxley
- Doug and Deborah Padgett (Pendergraph, Inc)
- Robert and Carol Parker
- Mike and Nancy Phillips
- Michael and Mary Anne Pierce
- Jim and Nieta Pinkerton
- Poe Family Foundation
- Charles and Martha Powell
- Dr. Jerry and Nanci Puckett
- Tom A and JoAnn Reedy
- Tom H and Virginia Reedy
- Bruce and Judy Ricks
- Marty Rivers
- Ben Kante and Joni Rogers-Kante (SeneGence)
- Robert and Linda Roggendorff
- Richard and Diane Salamon
- Frank Sanders Jr
- Frank and Wanda Sanders Family
- Rod and Cindy Sands
- Shannon Sands Wilson; Ryan Sands
- Sapulpa Historical Society Memorial Foundation
- Richard and Nancy Sevenoaks
- Brent and Suzanne Shirey
- Jerry Shrader
- Paul and Monica Slavens
- Steven M. Schnitzer
- Joe and Joyce Smith (Auto Appraisal Group)
- Don and Patti Stobaugh
- Jon and DeeDee Stuart
- Allan and Ann Stubbins
- Brett and Michelle Sumner
- Robert and Charlotte Sumner
- Ryan and Michelle (Hanson) Taylor
- Honorable P. Thomas Thornbrugh
- Gary and Rebecca Tucker
- Tulsa Vette Set
- John Turner (Merkel Family Foundation)
- Derek and Nora Wachob
- Jack and Linda Wachob
- Bill and Becky Warnock
- Larry and Suzanne White
- Shannon and Dave Wilson Family
- Raymond Witten
- Mark Wofford
- Ty Young
In-Kind Founding Members
- Rick and Niki Daniels
- Clint and Kari Oare
- Elbert and Tina Polk
- (Red Diamond Coating, LLC)
- Eduardo A. Lopez; Sandra Vazquez Torres
- David and Lori Reed
- Bill Satterfield
- Dr. Ken Tricinella
- Derold Wofford (Demolition Wrecking Co.)
- Mark Wofford (Demolition Wrecking Co.)
Do you like cars, and car stuff?
The Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to greet visitors, work in the gift shop, help with exhibits and displays, assist with social media and marketing… there’s a lot to get done!
If you’re interested, call us at (918) 216-1171 or send an email with the subject line “Museum Volunteer” and your contact information to: heartofroute66@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you!
Do you have a classic car to donate or to lend for display at the museum?
We’d love to speak with you.
From the million-dollar Chip Foose “Imposter” Impala, to a classic VW basket case, the Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum is always on the lookout for interesting classic cars and automotive memorabilia for donation and display.
Due to space limitations, we cannot accept everything that is offered; but we make every effort accommodate donations. We frequently rotate cars and memorabilia that have been loaned to the museum, and we’ll be happy to work with you on scheduling. We even work with local enthusiast to restore donations for fundraising, such as raffles.
And remember, the Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. So your financial or material donations are 100% tax deductible.
To start the conversation, call us at (918) 216-1171 or send an email with the subject line “Car for Donation / Display” and your contact information to: heartofroute66@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you!
Event Calendar
This calendar is open to all automotive related events in the Tulsa region of northeast Oklahoma. If you would like us to include your upcoming event, please let us know so we can add it to the website calendar.
Secure Contact Form
Email the Museum
Visit Us
13 Sahoma Lake Road
Sapulpa, OK 74066
Get In Touch
Open Hours
Tuesday – Saturday: 10am – 4pm
Sundays: Noon – 4pm
Vehicles & Memorabilia
To start the conversation, call us at (918) 216-1171 or send us an email with the subject line “Donation for Display” heartofroute66@gmail.com
Financial Donations
Simply click here to make a secure donation to the museum via PayPal – and thank you for supporting Heart of Route 66 Museum!